nano rosetta

Holy Bible with the Dove

World's Smallest Time Capsule

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The entire Holy Bible nano-incribed with 788,258 words and 31,102 verses is readable under a microscope.

It's an entirely new way to keep in touch with your passion and lasts for generations. Recoverable with a microscope or view using the online NanoBrowser™.

About NanoRosetta®

We believe in connecting generations and preserving legacies forever on a tiny format that lasts forever.

NanoRosetta is an innovative way to record stories in metal that lasts for thousands of years on a medallion the size of a dime. Pass it on for generations.

Photos and stories are nano-engraved on a shiny metal medallion and sealed with a crystal and easily retrieved with just light and optics.

All pendants and dog tags can be customized with engraved names on the back for that perfect unique gift.

NanoRosetta® is the high speed technology behind the nano-engraving process. The patented process creates 5 billion pixels image. This is five times larger than NASA’s largest image ever taken of the Andromeda galaxy.

To recover the images, we use a 20 Megapixel camera or a lab quality microscope. In the near future all the photos on the medallion will be easily recovered by a mobile phone.