nano Bhagavad Gita

World's Smallest Time Capsule

Nemaste! The Bhagavad- Gita is considered by eastern and western scholars alike to be among the greatest spiritual books the world has ever known. In a very clear and wonderful way the Supreme Lord Krishna describes the science of self-realization and the exact process by which a human being can establish their eternal relationship with God. In terms of pure, spiritual knowledge the Bhagavad- Gita is incomparable. Its intrinsic beauty is that its knowledge applies to all human beings and does not postulate any sectarian idealogy or secular view. It is appproachable from the sanctified realms of all religions and is glorified as the epitome of all spiritual teachings. This is because proficiency in the Bhagavad- Gita reveals the eternal principles which are fundamental and essential for spiritual life from all perspectives and allows one to perfectly understand the esoteric truths hidden within all religious scriptures. Many great thinkers from our times such as Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Schweizer as well as Madhvacarya, Sankara and Ramanuja from bygone ages have all contemplated and deliberarted upon its timeless message. The primary purpose of the Bhagavad- Gita is to illuminate for all of humanity the realization of the true nature of divinity; for the highest spiritual conception and the greatest material perfection is to attain love of God!

It's an entirely new way to keep in touch with your passion and lasts for generations. Recovery is a matter of taking a high resolution photograph or use the online NanoBrowser™.

We put the fashion in passion so wear it and show it off or gift it.

Click here to see the Gita with the Om Symbol


About NanoRosetta®

We believe in connecting generations and preserving legacies forever on a tiny format that lasts forever.

NanoRosetta is an innovative way to record stories in metal that lasts for thousands of years1 on a medallion the size of a dime. Pass it on for generations.

Photos and stories are nano-engraved on a shiny metal medallion and sealed with a crystal and easily retrieved with just light and optics.

All pendants and dog tags can be customized with engraved names on the back for that perfect unique gift.

NanoRosetta® is the high speed technology behind the nano-engraving process. The patented process creates 5 billion pixels image to make up a yearbook. This is five times larger than NASA’s largest image ever taken of the Andromeda galaxy.

To recover the images, we use a 20 Megapixel camera or a lab quality microscope. In the near future all the photos on the medallion will be easily recovered by a mobile phone.